What is the WHITE LINE?

What is the WHITE LINE?

The DREI BOND WHITE LINE includes products that are free of any hazard classifications and thus make an active contribution to improved occupational safety.

In contrast to many of the supposedly "green adhesives and sealants" available today, we refuse to suggest a non-existent bio-based origin or biodegradability of the products and we stand by them honestly.



  • Anaerobic adhesives
  • Cyanoacrylates
  • Flexible adhesives and sealants (silicone and MS polymer-based products)
  • Permanently plastic sealants
  • Cleaner

The products are characterized by a wide range of properties and thus offer ideal solutions for a large number of applications.

If you are interested and for detailed information on the available products, please contact us at any time.

Active Cleaner

  • White safety data sheet
  • Easy handling, low aerosol formation
  • Bottle made from 100% recycled PET
  • Cleans all surfaces without leaving any residue
  • Removes many different types of dirts such as salty residues, oils, grease, sweat, fingerprints and more
  • Improves adhesion of adhesives to metals (especially aluminum)

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Anaerobic adhesives

  • White safety data sheet
  • One-component adhesive
  • Screw locking, flange sealing, thread sealing
  • Low to high viscosity
  • No sticking in unwanted places
  • Individual products available with DVGW and / or NSF approval

Flexible Adhesives and Sealants (silicone and MS polymer-based products)

  • White safety data sheet
  • One-component adhesive
  • High flexibility and elongation at break
  • High gap filling ability
  • Very high temperature resistance (silicones)
  • Very good weather resistance

Cyanoacrylates (superglues)

  • White safety data sheet
  • One-component adhesive
  • Very good adhesion to plastics and many other materials
  • Low to high viscosity
  • Not blooming
  • No fixation necessary due to very fast curing


Anaerobic Adhesives
NameDescriptionStrengthColorViscosity [mPas]Temperature Range [°C]Max. Thread/Gap [mm]CertificatesContainer [g]
5204HVflange sealantmedium strengthyellow75000 - 350000-55 up to +150M56 / 0,350, 100, 300Request Product Sheet
5204thread sealantmedium strengthyellow20000 - 80000-55 up to +150M56 / 0,3DVGW, NSF, WRAS50, 250, 300Request Product Sheet
1344thread sealantmedium strengthblue450 - 600-55 up to +150M20 / 0,1550, 250Request Product Sheet
1360thread sealantmedium strengthred800 - 1200-55 up to +150M20 / 0,1550, 250Request Product Sheet
5314threadlockermedium strengthblue1700 - 9000-55 up to +200M36 / 0,25DVGW50, 250, 2000Request Product Sheet
5330threadlockerhigh strengthgreen2200 - 4000-55 up to +200M56 / 0,3DVGW50, 250, 2000Request Product Sheet
NameChemical BasisColorViscosity [mPas]Temperature Range [°C]Gap Bridging [µm]CertificatesSpecial FeaturesContainer [g]
4065alkoxy-ethyl cyanoacrylatecolorless3 - 10-50 up to +8010 - 30non-blooming, for coating of 3D-printed parts, white MSDS20, 50, 500Request Product Sheet
4061alkoxy-ethyl cyanoacrylatecolorless10 - 20-50 up to +8010 - 40non-blooming20, 50, 500Request Product Sheet
4067alkoxy-ethyl cyanoacrylatecolorless1000 - 1500-50 up to +8010 - 200non-blooming20, 50, 500Request Product Sheet
Flexible Adhesives and Sealants (silicone and MS polymer-based products)
NameChemical BasisColorViscosity [mPas]Temperature Range [°C]Skin Formation Time [min]Tensile Strength [MPa]Elongation at Break [%]CertificatesSpecial FeaturesContainer [ml]
9120MS-Polymerblack / white / graypasty, can be applied with a trowel, good stability-40 up to +9020 1.9 300290, 25000Request Product Sheet
9125MS-Polymerblack / white / graypasty, can be applied with a trowel, good stability-60 up to +8025 2.8 500white MSDS300, 25000Request Product Sheet
9160MS-Polymergraypasty, can be applied with a trowel, good stability-40 up to +12010 3.2 400excellent oil resistance, white MSDS310, 25000Request Product Sheet
1108permanently ductile sealantblue > 1000000-55 up to +120non-curing--white MSDS50, 100, 300, 25000Request Product Sheet
NameChemical BasisColorContainer [ml]
Active Cleanerwater-based cleanercolorless500Request Product Sheet